April 30, 2024

The Conservative candidate for the Mayoral election of York & North Yorkshire is a SOCIALIST.

Keane Duncan is the Conservative Party's candidate for the first York & North Yorkshire Mayor election on Thursday 2nd May. From subsidies to mutual banks, and even the buying up on private property all of his policies are socialist, cleverly masked under the umbrella of conservatism. Time to shed light on this deception.
April 29, 2024

I’m a conservative. That’s why I won’t be voting Conservative.

As a conservative voter who believes in small government, personal freedom, lows taxes and free enterprise I am left, yet again, with a dilemma in the run up to the forthcoming election for the Mayor of York and North Yorkshire.
April 25, 2020

Homeschool DT Project: Repair a 1980’s vintage metal detector

After 4 weeks of lockdown, thinking up the next homeschool DT project is becoming ever more tricky.
April 23, 2020
View from Black Hambleton

Homeschool Adrenaline Experiment

Who said home schooling had to be a bore? Learning is fun, especially when you have: 1) a bike; and 2) a hill. It's even more fun when you realise your front wheel is wobbling and you have bit of a steep and rocky hill to go down and you are trying to inspire interest in geography, history and biology to your 12-year old son.
July 31, 2017
Fantastic smooth roads


Fuerteventura literally means ‘Strong Wind’, and the island is called this for a reason – the northerly trade winds make going south a joy but going northward was a real test of mental and physical strength.
May 20, 2017
TdY - Cycling challenge

Tour de Yorkshire challenge

Between the 12th and 14th May 2017, I took a break from my 9000 mile challenge for Mind York to join a team of 5 cyclists from Callcredit to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. Our challenge was to ride the 2017 Tour de Yorkshire route. The following article was written by one of our team members, Remo Biagioni.